Hacking WordPress

Poniéndonos en la mente del ciberterrorista, buscaremos las debilidades de la muralla de seguridad de un sitio web cualquiera, aprendiendo sobre los puntos importantes a tener en cuenta en la defensa de nuestros propios sitios web.

Un ejemplo vale más que mil recomendaciones.



Autor: Nestor Angulo de Ugarte

I’m a Technology enthusiast, Computer Science Engineer and WebSecurity geek. I also love to travel! Although I’m based in Spain, you can find me learning from other cultures and meeting people where an Internet connection is available always with my mug of coffee or black tea. I’ve been working in the Incident Response department at Sucuri and at GoDaddy WebSecurity since 2015 till 2023, and is there where I’ve acquired tons of knowledge about hackers, malware, and strange cases which I liked to study in depth, just as a CSI (AKA Security Analyst). Now, I’m continuing my journey for a more secure world with the amazing team of Patchstack.

WordCamp Zaragoza 2020 is over. Check out the next edition!