Call for Speakers

Spanish version

Sharing your knowledge translates into building the community – Apply now!

A new edition of our WordPress event is coming soon to Aragon and, for that reason, we are excited and motivated to announce this call for speakers for the second WordCamp Zaragoza. This year we will have a new track, for a total of three, and we are looking for local, national, and If you have a story that needs to be told and which any WordPress user would fall in love with, you can apply as a speaker.why not, also international speakers.

We aim to organize a congress that may lead the way with ideas and trends for all the other events that will be held all throughout the upcoming year.

The event will take place in ETOPIA Center for Art & Technology, on January 26 and 27, 2019, and it will gather tens of users, designers, developers, entrepreneurs, bloggers, and trainers whose passion for WordPress will bring them to Zaragoza.

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WordCamp Zaragoza 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!